D - Wurf

arion c wurf gedreht    yule 1 

Handsome fox with gentle eyes Arion             


Yule my Melodie of Golden Spirit 

                  Seine Seite beim DRC    Alles über Yule auf ihrer Seite


20.11.2024 -  4 Rüden /  2 Hündinnen 

HIER geht es zum Wurftagebuch



  Bilder HD ED Augen

Dorie my Melodie of Golden Spirit

Michaela und Andreas Berger, Apolda



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Dallas my Melodie of Golden Spirit

Nico Pitack, Guben





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Dajan my Melodie of Golden Spirit

Birgit Lund, Bad Bentheim





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Darwin *Charlie* my Melodie of Golden Spirit

Dirk u. Katrin Meyer, Bochum





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Dear *Rover* my Melodie of Golden Spirit

Jan Sonneveld, Fijnaart NL





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D'*Caspar* my Melodie of Golden Spirit

Silvia Siemons, Hennef Söven





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Handsome fox with gentle eyes Arion   Gaytonwood Mull Kessgold Shetland of Staverton Froglane Marksman of Dunburgh

Eng. FT. CH. Kessgold Volvo

Mimosa Micromeria
Kessgold Sorrel Blackcraig Eagle
Kessgold Sage
Gaytonwood Cuba Lowerhurst Chestnut at Mistigri Eng. FT CH Birdsgreen Sweet Reward of Castlemans
Holway Remona
FTW Holywear Briar Rose at Gaytonwood FTW Dukes Wood
FTW Birdsgreen Amazing Agatha of Holywear 
Tawnyhill Ultramarine Carishill Malvolio Of Tawnyhill Birdsgreen Shining Sidney of Tofts  FTW Canburne Fennel of Lafayette
FTW Elmbrook Kitty 
Carishill Rose Carishill Chestnut 
Sladeway Kyly 
 AWNYHILL UNA Standgates Chaplain Standerwick Remus of Merryway 
Standgates Psalm 
Birdsgreen Simply Clay of Tawnyhill Eng. FT. CH. Kessgold Volvo 
FTW Elmbrook Kitty 
Yule my Melodie of Golden Spirit
 Amigo Passion of Gold Falconet van de Zarina Zarola INT FT CH Clancallum Barclay
Eng. FT. CH. Rossmhor of Clancallum
Clancallum Tummel
Zoe (NHSB 2450121) Bowie v.d. Uilenburg
Way-Out's Piece of Joy
Voulez Vous vd Loenense Hoeve Abnalls Roland Tauvechan Minstrel
Abnalls Cleopatra
One and Only Indy vd Loenense Hoeve Way-Out's Hunting Yoram
Handy Jamy v.h. Wiekse Veld
Sunny my Melodie of Golden Spirit Otis my Melodie of Golden Spirit Athos of enchanted garden SJCH NJCH LP1 Stjärnglimtens Epson
Stonehunter Diamond Luna
Genna my Melodie of Golden Spirit Boy Quiver Creek's Owlsburgh
Gleen Mhor's Awe
Merle my Melodie of Golden Spirit Holway Leonardo FT. CH. Lowly Nabucco
Holway Reema
Gleen Mhor's Mai Romney's Inchmichaelx
Endrickbank Charmer